Hi there, 

My name is Tia and thank you so much for visiting and (hopefully) shopping with Māja Studio.

Māja Studio is a homegrown lifestyle and home decor store run solely by myself.

Māja Studio was born in 2020, when I was designing and creating mixed media digital collages and selling them via Instagram for customers during peak isolation. The joy creating these pieces brought to not only myself, but my customers was incredible and I am forever grateful to all of you for your purchases.

2020 was a year that proved how important our homes were to us more than ever. And by creating beautiful pieces of art for my customers, I also wanted to gift people the ability to purchase selected homewares and accessories that made their houses into a sanctuary. 

Every single item on this website has been carefully thought about and selected to bring you joy and happiness.

I'm still learning and evolving, and if there is anything you'd wish to see me stock or any advice you think I should know (be gentle), I would love to hear from you ! Check out the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of this page for my contact details.

Thank you so much and happy shopping!

Lots of love always,

T x